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Go from dysregulation and overwhelm to peace and thriving on autopilot!

A self-guided hypnotherapy process for deep emotional healing and release of accumulated emotions, stress, and traumas of a lifetime.

Read what others have said about their experience:

“Ohh, today I “woke up” while the ray of light was cleaning all inside 😍

How beautiful it is, I kinda felt my throat tight until the end, and now I understand why… Just can’t stop myself from crying while writing it down…

So interesting, I mentioned that I felt my organs better at the beginning of the session yesterday, they were preparing for the practice 😅😅

But in general, I am just happy crying.
Thank you 🤍🌞”

“Hello! In fact, I was sleeping yesterday so well. And yes, in general, all is going good😊”

“It’s so strange, how even tiny things can change our life…

So, for now, I am feeling much better, and lighter, let’s see if it brings something more during this week.

Thank you once again. I am really enjoying this transformation.”

“Hello Filipe,

I wanted to say that there is nothing better than connecting with yourself. I often hear the phrase that we will never again feel the way we felt in childhood. How wrong people are. And how grateful I am that I found a way to experience life as we were created for it.

So, on this sunny day, I want to thank you again.

P.S. I promised that I would keep you updated on how life is going, well, so far it couldn’t be better”

“Hello Filipe, I am really feeling so much better. I am making a diary, not every day, but notice sometimes. And I read it today, so many things have changed.

I’ve become more “full”, do not worry so much, and know how to speak with my personal critic, find out what I really want, and have this knowledge if it comes from the heart.

Once again, I want to say that I love it😊
I would love to do more, and more!”

“I have seen great progress. I have done so many things lately that I always wanted, but I have never done.

I also met a very interesting person. And kinda have these first steps of a romantic relationship.

It feels like every day is new, I can see my old patterns and fears before they start into action, and I take different steps. It brings so much more to life! My old beliefs don’t work anymore. I feel a kinda reconstruction of myself from inside, it’s hard sometimes, but also so amazing.

Can’t wait to see what is waiting for me next!”

“I had a very strange feeling on my back during the recording. In different parts of it, in fact. And at the end, I felt like I lost so much weight! Exactly from my back. I think it makes a lot of sense. As I was keeping it all my life.”

“It’s working in such a strange way.

And yes, changes are very powerful, even in small things. I feel like I’m finding so many new sides of myself. And straight to create/discover. Feel more focused and less overthinking.

I also definitely think that it costs much more than the price that you suggest. It’s very powerful🌞”

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Here's everything you get:

Emotional Cleansing HypnoPack 8 Session Process:

Plus 4+ bonus case specific sessions :

Total value of the Emotional Cleansing HypnoPack: $8450

ready to change your life?

Choose The Emotional Cleansing HypnoPack™ Plan That's Right For You:



$250 usd

x3 months
or pay what you can (min $75)


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$480 usd

x3 months



$675 usd

or pay what you can (min $200)


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$1280 usd

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And here are the terms of your 30-Day, Risk-Free, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

If you don’t see a real improvement in your emotional health, or for any reason you’re dissatisfied with the Emotional Cleansing HypnoPack…

All you have to do is create a support ticket, or send a message to support directly by e-mail or WhatsApp. We will refund your investment in full right away.

Have more questions?

When I work 1:1 with clients, Hypnotherapy is one of my main and most powerful tools. It allows me to take people deep into the subconscious where the most lasting and profound transformation takes place.

Through years of practice, I’ve discovered that, although problems may look very different on the surface, nearly all come down to the same root causes. So, together with other colleagues, I developed a process of 8 sessions that addresses exactly all those root causes and which I usually apply to clients before diving into more targeted work.

The system is designed to get you out of a negative and dysregulated basal emotional state and into a positive and regulated one by releasing all those unprocessed emotions and traumas (big to tiny) you accumulate over a lifetime (and more!) and that, little by little, obscure and even block your inner source of happiness and health.

The results we’ve been seeing are astounding, with people reporting profound changes in their lives, emotions, and well-being even after only 3 (and sometimes 1!) sessions. And, as a bonus, any intervention and transformation we make are then hundreds of times more effective when done from that “cleansed” state.

So, I adapted this process into a pre-recorded version of the sessions coupled with ongoing specialized text support to make it accessible to much more people – and at a fraction of the cost! While this whole process would cost clients between $2500 and $8000 to do live with me, I can now offer it at only $500, and with still very consistent results!

I know that, coupled with all the practices and resources you learn inside the portal, it will enhance and fast-track your healing and transformation in an unimaginable way.

Hypnotherapy is therapy done under hypnosis.

Hypnosis is an amplified state of consciousness that allows us to access and work with material that is usually kept unaccessible in the subconscious.

Very simply, it works by helping you slip into a state of profound relaxation, inner peace, and safety, which relaxes the protectors of your subsconscious, who in turn open the doors to the depths of your inner mind.

The subconscious is where all your problems and harmful patterns arise from, so by working there we can create the most effective, profound, and lasting healing and transformation.

Hypnotherapy is very safe. Especially this kind of hypnotherapy we call “Passive hypnotherapy”, where you don’t have to do anything but listen and relax.

Besides, contrary to popular myth, you are always in control, and your subconscious mind will reject anything that you don’t agree with or want in your life.

Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness that we all can access by ourselves with training. But with this powerful and safe guidance, you can access it and benefit from everything that state has to offer you right now!

The sessions are designed with safety in mind and actually work through safety. We’ve never seen this process harm anyone, and we’ve seen it help everyone who goes through it.

If you’d like to opt for the highest level possible of safety during this process, we recommend doing it live with a professional.

IMPORTANT: this self-guided process is not suitable to those with schizophrenia. For those with very strong traumatic experiences and/or highly dysregulated patterns, we recommend doing the process live with a professional. Contact us below if you have questions on this.

Hypnotherapy is not a fad, displaying real, tangible, scientifically measurable results. In fact, a recent study has shown hypnotherapy to be 4 times faster than Cognititive-Behavioral Thearpy and 100 times faster than Psychanalysis.

Hypnosis is sometimes seen as a sham due to the popularity of “show hypnosis”, which has nothing to do with real hypnotherapy. The resulsts speak for themselves!

The Emotional Cleansing HypnoPack is perfect for anyone looking to improve their emotional and mental health.

It works for most emotional and mental and even physical ailments and forms of dysregulation, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • High/chronic stress
  • Panic
  • PTSD
  • Phobias
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Low self-esteem
  • Grief and loss
  • Chronic pain
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Anger management
  • Eating disorders
  • Addicitons
  • Relationship issues
  • Creative blocks
  • General well-being and life enhancement
  • And more…

This is because this process works at the level of the root causes of all these and not just the symptoms.

IMPORTANT: this self-guided process is not suitable to those with schizophrenia. For those with very strong traumatic experiences and/or highly dysregulated patterns, we recommend doing the process live with a professional. Contact us below if you have questions on this.

Yes! You need absolutely no previous experience with hypnosis to follow this process and get results.

Truly, all you need to do is lay back, relax, and press play, and the sessions are designed to take you through the entire process in a safe, flowyi, and powerful way.

While this may vary between different people, most see results pretty fast.

People report profound changes in their lives, emotions, and well-being even after only 3 (and sometimes 1!) sessions.

The transformation from the Emotional Cleaning HypnoPack is very deep and will last years to a lifetime and more. In fact, it is designed to keep getting better after you go through the process, not worse!

Of course, the inner work of regulation must be maintained, and that’s why we recommend attending our other trainings that teach you how to do so yourself.

You can, and one does not replace the other. In fact, one can greatly empower the other and, when coupled, you will see results from both even faster.

Always consult with you doctor/therapist before starting the process, when applicable and possible. You – and them – can contact us below for further clarification.

The sessions will produce the best results when followed consistently. They won’t take much of your time though, and we recommend doing one session per week, down to one every two weeks if you need so.

We’d be very surprised! Seriously, this has never happened. But, to give you peace of mind, you are fully covered by our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee

We’re here to help! Send an email to [email protected] or reach us on WhatsApp!
Copyright © 2024 Healing Into Flourishing. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER: the Emotional Cleansing HypnoPack™ is not a replacement for therapy or medication. If you suffer from any mental disorder, please consult with your physician and/or therapist before enrolling in the program.